Our People Code of Conduct
Conducting business with unwavering integrity and to the highest ethical standards is a non-negotiable part of how we operate at Bauer.
Working the right way, every day
To support our efforts to uphold the highest standards, we have launched a new People Code of Conduct. The principles and behaviours outlined in the Code tell our leaders, employees, freelancers, customers, partners and suppliers how we at Bauer conduct business, the behaviours we promote and the standards we set for ourselves and the people we work with.
Seven Core Principles
Our Code’s seven core principles guide us all on how to make ethical decisions that will protect ËIJ»ÏñÐþ»úͼ’s reputation, build greater transparency and trust with our clients and customers, help promote the right internal culture, attract and retain top talent, and meet increasing regulatory and stakeholder demands.
They are:
Uphold our Values and this Code
Comply with all Laws, Regulations and Policies
Treat Each Other with Respect and Dignity
Champion Diversity and Inclusion at Bauer
Protect our Reputation, IP and other Assets
Take Care of Information: Preserving Confidentiality & Data Privacy
Avoid Conflicts of Interest
You can read more detail on each of these principles in our complete People Code of Conduct.
How to Report a Code of Conduct Breach
We each have a duty to speak up about any suspected wrongdoing that is in breach of the law, this Code, or any other ËIJ»ÏñÐþ»úͼ policies.
If you are aware of an actual or potential breach of our People Code of Conduct you can use our Group-wide Speak Up Reporting System, which allows you to report concerns safely, confidentially and, if necessary, anonymously.
This also applies to breaches of any other laws, ËIJ»ÏñÐþ»úͼ Group policies or regulations by Bauer or our suppliers including any human rights or environmental risks.
The Speak Up tool is open to anyone who has come into contact with our business, whether they are an employee of ËIJ»ÏñÐþ»úͼ or not. All reports are treated confidentially and anyone who reports a honestly held concern will be protected against any form of retaliation.
Click for more info on using Bauer’s Speak Up Reporting System